Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Messy Chef goes "Beyond Macaroni"

It has been roughly two years since my last post--and not because I haven't been cooking or making messes during that time. It is, instead, largely because free time is fleeting, cooking is utilitarian, and typing is done with one hand while holding a sleeping baby in the other.

But the time has come to revive the Messy Chef, who is now a messy artist outside of the kitchen as well. I've been sewing! Well, mostly buying fabric and patterns in the hopes that one day this baby will nap independently and I will have the time to sew...but every now and again I sneak away to trace a pattern or stitch a few pieces together, and it's great!

As a mom, you quickly learn that there are one million and one ways to make messes, and only two main uses for macaroni--favorite meal, and favorite art project. Therefore, the new Messy Chef will be all about exploring the creative world Beyond Macaroni, both in the kitchen and out! I will still make a mess of things, I promise...and with the help of a special little someone, our messes are going to be delightfully just this side of out-of-control.